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Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahuakbar Astaghfirullah

MyEXPI: Pengalaman jadi fasilitator

Assalamualaikum, hari ini Izzati Nadia terbuka hati nak kongsi pengalaman perjalanan jadi pelajar kepada pengalaman. Pengalaman menjadi fasi untuk enhance soft skill. K, let’s start!

[Abaikan bahasa rojak, fokus pada content]
Sampai umur ini, ada la beberapa pengalaman yang perlu aku hargai. Antaranya pengalaman menjadi seorang fasi. Fasi ni apa? Fasi ini ialah dari perkataan Inggeris iaitu facilitator atau facilitate yang bermaksud pemudahcara atau pembantu.
@zzatinadia ni dia masih perlu improve soft skill bercakap di hadapan orang... Jadi, masa belajar asasi dan degree, aku target paling kurang aku kena join satu program jadi komiti dan satu program jadi peserta. Jadi, bermulalah misi Izzati belajar polish soft skill tu...antaranya:
Tahun pertama di UIA Gombak:
1. Jadi fasi semasa cuti sem UIA PJ juga pada tahun 2018 macamtu iaitu Fasilitator Kem yang dianjurkan oleh HALUAN.
2. Kali kedua, semasa cuti semester sesi 2019 asasi UIA PJ: Fasilitator anjuran UniTeM Melaka di SMK Seri Rompin... di sekolah menengah zzatinadia sendiri

Tahun kedua di Turki:
Jadi takdapat kumpul pengalaman. Cuma dapat join 1 je tu pun program yang MASAT anjurkan (Persatuan Pelajar Malysia Turki) iaitu talk dari kak Rara.

Tahun ketiga lepas balik dari Turki:
3. Jadi fasi di SMK Hulu Langat...untuk program motivasi kepimpinan bagi pengawas, ahli rakan sebaya dan ketua kelas...
4. Teringat juga jadi fasi... masa diberi peluang join program bicara Arab para pelajar sekolah Tahfiz Selangor bagi tingkatan 1 dan 2 taksilap (program kolabrasi Arabicara dan Jab. Agama Islam Selangor)
5. Juga, direzekikan peluang untuk join jadi fasi di SK Gombak (2) untuk Kem Ibadah Solat macamtu laa... ni paling mencabar sebab nak handle perhatian murid sekolah rendah ni, kena ada kesabaran yang tinggi
Tahun akhir inshaaAllah, sebelum cuti sem sempat jadi pengarah program mini untuk subjek Islamic Ethics (subjek wajib jabatan IRKHS kalau tak silap. Target group adalah budak sekolah rendah untuk program Sehari Bersama Generasi alQuran
Pada Mac 2020, Allah turunkan ujian melalui Covid-19 di Malaysia... mungkin suruh rehat sebentar dari urusan dunia. Batuk sikit je, ingat mati dah😂
Alhamdulillah untuk rezeki ini❤️ Banyak sangat belajar sampai taksempat catat untuk ingatan (tapi sayang sangat setiap pengalaman ni dan aku takut lupa ilmu dan perasaan itu🥰) 

MyFIQH: Hukum mandi wajib

Assalamualaikum, hari ini saya kongsi hukum fiqh berkenaan MANDI WAJIB memandangkan timbul persoalan dan pertanyaan dari adik @arfhaziz pada 13 April 2020 tentang tentang mandi wajib.

Sumber: Web Mufti dan kelas Usul Fiqh UIAM

Rujuk: Web Mufti Wilayah (untuk lebih info)

Akak boleh tak kite nak minta pendapat tentang mandi wajib: 

a. Nak akak bgi detail dri mula sampai habis mandi wajib tu?

b. Sebenarnya mandi wajib ni dia sebelum sabun syampoo badan ke atau selepas?


a. Sebab mandi wajib:

Para ulama’ telah menetapkan beberapa perkara yang menyebabkan wajibnya mandi keatas seseorang sebelum dia melaksanakan ibadah. Perkara-perkara tersebut sepertimana yang disebut di dalam kitab al-Taqrirat al-Sadidah fi al-Masail al-Mufidah ialah:

  • Jima’ atau tenggelamnya hasyafah (kepala zakar) ke dalam faraj
  • Keluar air mani
  • Keluar darah Haid
  • Keluar darah Nifas
  • Keluar darah Wiladah
  • Mati. (Rujuk al-Taqrirat al-Sadidah fi al-Masail al-Mufidah: 114-117)

Cara mandi wajib:

Para ulama’ telah menetapkan bahawa syarat fardu bagi mandi wajib hanya tiga, iaitu:

  1. Niat
  2. Menghilangkan najis jika sekiranya ada pada badan.
  3. Meratakan air ke seluruh rambut (bulu-bulu) dan badan. (Rujuk Matan Ghoyah wa al-Taqrib: 21)

Jika dilihat kepada syarat fardu bagi mandi wajib, seseorang itu hanya perlu untuk menghilangkan najis di badannya sekiranya ada dan meratakan air ke seluruh badan dengan disertakan niat untuk mengangkat hadath. Apabila seseorang itu melaksanakan fardu mandi wajib maka mandi wajibnya telah sah dan tidak perlu untuk dia mengulanginya sekali lagi.

Justeru itu, dia haruslah memastikan bahawa mandi wajib yang dilakukannya tersebut sah  dengan melakukan syarat fardu mandi wajib tersebut, maka dengan demikian barulah dia boleh menunaikan solat kerana telah menghilangkan hadas. Jika sekiranya dia telah melaksanakan solat dengan keyakinannya terhadap kesucian dirinya dengan mandi tersebut, maka tidak perlu untuk dia mengulanginya walaupun dia mandi dengan sekadarnya sahaja.

Sunat mandi wajib:

Sunat-sunat ketika mandi terlalu banyak untuk disebutkan. Di antaranya ialah membaca bismillah, bersiwak, menghadap kiblat dan lain-lain lagi. Al-Khatib Al-Syarbini menyebut bahawa sunat-sunat mandi terlalu banyak untuk disebutkan. Lima daripadanya ialah membaca Bismillah, berwuduk sebelum mandi, meratakan air dengan tangan, mualat dan mendahulukan bahagian kanan. (Rujuk Al-Iqna’ Fi Hilli Alfaz Abi Syuja’, 1/63)

b. Diharuskan mandi wajib sebelum sabun syampoo badan atau selepas.

Tapi digalakkan sabun dahulu kerana sabun dikira menghilangkan najis sekiranya ada pada badan. Maka, jika memilih untuk sabun dahulu, sabun seluruh badan dan syampu sehingga yakin bersih. Kemudian, mulakan mandi wajib dengan niat, menghilangkan najis jika sekiranya ada pada badan, dan meratakan air ke seluruh rambut (bulu-bulu) dan badan. (Rujuk Matan Ghoyah wa al-Taqrib: 21)

Semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat kepada saya dan awak. Sekian, terima kasih!

MyNOTES: The Beautiful of Beneficial Knowledge

Assalamualaikum, dear friends! How much as far as truly useful knowledge is concerning, there is the following story of Hatim al-Asamm and the knowledge that he acquired from his teacher, Shaqiq al-Balkhi. It is reported that Shaqiq asked Hatim how long he had been with him. Hatim replied that it had been thirty-three years. Shaqiq then asked, "And what have you learnt during this period?" Hatim said, "Eight things." Shaqiq exclaimed, "We belong to Allah and to Him we return! I have spent my life teaching you and you have only learned eight things!?" Hatim stated, "I have learnt nothing else and I do not like to lie about it."

Shaqiq said, "So tell what these eight things are then." Hatim replied, "I looked around and saw that everyone has something or someone he loves and with whom he remains until the moment he dies. Then they part. Therefore I made good actions the object of my love so that when my hour of death comes, that which I love will accompany me to the grave." Shaqiq said, "You have done well, Hatim. So what is the second thing you have learned?"

Hatim said, "I reflected on the words of Allah, 'As for the one who fears the station of his Lord and holds his self back from passion, the Garden will be his dwelling-place.' (79:40-41) I know that what Allah said is the truth. Therefore I struggled with myself and strived to repel passion (hawa) until I was well settled in obedience to Allah.

"As for the third point, I looked at people and found that everyone treasures and exalts whatever valuable things he has in his possession. Then I examined the words of Allah, "That which you possess will vanish and that which is with Allah will go on" (16: 98) I then began to give to Allah anything valuable which came into my possession so that it would remain in His preservation.

"As for the fourth item, I looked around at people and saw that everyone places his trust in wealth, descent, honour and lineage. When I examined these things, I found them to be without substance. Then I considered the words of Allah, "Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the one who has the most fearful awareness (taqwa). (49:13) Therefore I devoted myself to fearful awareness of Allah so that I could have honour in the sight of Allah.

"Fifthly, I looked at people and saw them slandering and cursing each other out of envy. Then I examined the words of Allah, "It is We who distribute the livelihood they have in the life of this world." (43:31) So I abandoned envy and I befriended people, knowing that one's portion comes from Allah. Therefore I no longer harbour enmity for people.

"Sixthly, I saw men fighting each other and oppressing each other, so I turned to what Allah said, "Shaytan is an enemy to you, so take him for an enemy." (35:6) So I took shaytan alone to be my enemy and strove hard to be on my guard against him because Allah has testified that he is my enemy. Accordingly I ceased to hate anyone else.

"The seventh thing was that I saw everyone running after their daily bread and debasing themselves and entering into all sorts of haram things to obtain it. Then I examined the words of Allah, " "There is no creature on the face of the earth but that its provision is Allah's responsibility." (11:8) I knew that I was one of those creatures whose provision is Allah's responsibility, so I occupied myself with what I owe Allah and left my property with Him.

"The eighth thing was that I looked at people and saw that they all put their trust in something created - one in his estate, another in his wealth, another in his work and yet another in his physical health. They all put their trust in things which are created just as they are created. I referred back to Allah's words, ""Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He will be enough for him." (65:3) So I placed my trust in Allah and He is enough for me."

Shaqiq exclaimed, "Hatim, may Allah make you prosper! I have studied the sciences of the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, and the Immense Qur'an and I have found that every variety of good and religion revolves around these eight things. Whoever practises them practises all four books.”


Topic: Knowledge 

By: Aisha Bewley

Retrieved at: 15/4/2020 12:00noon