Tarikh pergi: 10 September 2018
Tarikh menaip: 10 September 2018
How to go to this park?

Otw to go to the park, we walked through this walking area. Maaşallah!

Alhamdulillah, after 10-15 minutes... we arrived at the park.

Flowers at this peaceful park.

After 30-40 minutes exploring this park, we continued our journey towards Sultanahmet Square.

Mural along the way from Gulhane Park to Tram. Masya Allah, so creative the maker!

We take our brunch at this mini stall ByBeyaz and Alhamdulillah the food so delicious. Satisfied and affordable!

Ilham and me tried one of Turkish Tea which is Apple Tea and the taste soo nice, I love it! Alhamdulillah!

The food served like this. I think this is like mix of hamburger and burger in Malaysia😆 This food is like filled with chicken, onion, several type of vegetable (maybe salad and the siblings haha), and ekmek (bread).
1. Ride Marmaray (like LRT/KTM in Malaysia)
2. Walk away towards left side of road from the station for 700m.
Otw to go to the park, we walked through this walking area. Maaşallah!
Alhamdulillah, after 10-15 minutes... we arrived at the park.
Flowers at this peaceful park.
After 30-40 minutes exploring this park, we continued our journey towards Sultanahmet Square.
Mural along the way from Gulhane Park to Tram. Masya Allah, so creative the maker!
We take our brunch at this mini stall ByBeyaz and Alhamdulillah the food so delicious. Satisfied and affordable!
Ilham and me tried one of Turkish Tea which is Apple Tea and the taste soo nice, I love it! Alhamdulillah!
The food served like this. I think this is like mix of hamburger and burger in Malaysia😆 This food is like filled with chicken, onion, several type of vegetable (maybe salad and the siblings haha), and ekmek (bread).
The price of the ekmek is only cost 5₺ and for Apple Tea is 3₺. Alhamdulillah for the halal food.
Hopefully this post will benefit you and me for now and future. Please pray the best for me, my family members, teachers and friends! Assalamualaikum wbt.
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